In where you are and what you are doing your communication is the first step to land or achieving the target. Communication is to develop professionals and businesses with some basic points is the most important part. Starting the conversation and closing the conversation with a proper conclusion is another key section which we have to keep in mind. Several details about communication

Communication process model between professionals and businesses

Communication always starts with an idea. We are assuming that it is the sender’s idea. Now point wise if we see

  1. sender’s idea
  2. sender decodes the idea
  3. Sender produces an idea or that idea in a medium
  4. Sender then transmits the message through a channel
  5. The audience or receiver receives the message
  6. They decode that idea
  7. The audience or receiver responds according to that idea
  8. They give the feedback

This way the cycle goes. But during communication, there are some barriers. The types are Semantic(like vocabulary, slang), Socio-psychological(like attitudinal), personal(emotion, listening), physical(like noise, time), and organizational(like rules, structure).

Key parts of communication

1. Communication medium:

There are several mediums of communication are there. oral, written, visual, audio, etc. Each and every type has its unique positive side and negative side. When we start the communication we have to keep in mind what is the medium. Approaches would be different, writing would be different. Similarly listening would be different.

2. Information gathering

Idea, topic or subject needs some information. So, collecting information from start and during the communication is another key area. Two ways we can divide this information. One is the Why, what, how, when, and where formula, for the topic or subject. The second way is who is telling and who is listening. Information is closely related to the needs of the audience, especially hidden needs and defining the information to the audience.

3. Analyzing the situation

When you are communicating with audiences you are in some kind of situation. Similarly, audiences are also in a situation. In this case, define the purpose to make the communication and do not send the definition of the topic or idea. Timing, result prediction, realistic depending upon the situation of both.

4. Approach

One is a direct approach and another one is an indirect approach. Direct is straight to the main idea and indirect is building the case, and both depend upon the reaction, length, and type. The message has major points and minor points. It all depends upon evidence. So, evidence should be clear and factual, example, description, and reference-based.

5. Style, distribution and conclusion

Style is obviously speaking style. Be careful when you are using words and tunes. Avoid unwanted language and prompts. Similarly, use humour and emotion. Distribute the message with correctness and suitability with content words and functional words. Lastly when you are making a conclusion try to end with a hint to discuss further. Have some queries because for professionals to develop businesses communication should have to be made rapidly and regularly. Communication to develop professionals and businesses is always the first step and some important things should have to remember words have to carry empathy.

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